

At Glad Tidings Assembly of God we believe that Christ came out of His love for us and He was crucified for our salvation. Therefore we must live our our faith and carry out the message of His love and salvation through Christ to all. That’s why we support 30 World Missionaries, 12 U.S. Missionaries, and 15 Ministries & Missions Organizations.

World Missionaries

Katie Bailey

Missionary to Spain. Katie works with the ICB, International Church of Barcelona.

Scott Berkey

Scott and Sarah Berkey, along with their children, are missionaries to Africa.

Ed & Kirsten Buck

Missionaries to France. The Bucks missionary work in France includes producing television programs that people can view online for free.  They produce programs with testimonies and clear explanations of the gospel for unbelievers, programs with music and exhortation to encourage believers who are struggling, programs that train believers and leaders in evangelism, church planting and ministry. 

Jason & Cindee Frenn

Missionaries to Latin America. Based in Costa Rica, the Frenns lead evangelistic crusades throughout Latin America and the US.


Aaron & Nanette Koepp

Missionaries to France. The Koepps are currently working in Aix-en-Provence, in southern France. 


Kent & Leslie Linneweh

Missionaries to the Netherlands. They are currently working in Haarlem where they co-founded the Meeting Place International Church.

Tim & Karen Mann

Missionaries to Austria. They are working in Mauthausen, Austria, holding a New Testament discussion group at a local Catholic church, offering evening English lessons, and reaching out to Turkish, Iraqi and Kurdish Muslims.

Nestor & Ivette Medina

Missionaries to Nicaragua. They work with Teen Challenge, Nicaragua. They are currently itinerating and hope to be back in Nicaragua in March.

Dana & Brigette Metcalf

Missionaries to Thailand. They currently pastor the International Christian Assembly Church in Bangkok, Thailand. Brigette founded Sealed.Life, an organization that works to redeem girls/women from human trafficking. Their latest assignment is to launch a Chi Alpha Ministry at one of the largest universities in the world there in Thailand, with 525,000 students.

Rich & Lori McLane

Missionaries to Poland. They are currently working on outreaches within the Polish Hunting Association and Sygnalists.

Johnny & Andrea Pangelinan

Missionaries to Thailand. They are currently back in Thailand, working towards building church planting teams as well as Christian schools. 

Nick & Olivia Puccini

Missionaries to Estonia. They founded Focus Church in Tallinn with efforts of church planting in Estonia.

Steve & Kim Puffpaff

Missionaries to Suriname and the Caribbean. They are currently working on church planting in Suriname, South America.

Ronnie & Rhonda Rice

Missionaries to Portugal. The Rices are currently itinerating with hopes to be in Portugal soon, where they’ll be working on the LIFE Church pastoral team alongside veteran missionaries Dan and Joy West, whom we also support

Kirk & Marlene Spain

Missionaries to South Africa. The Spains partner with the International Assemblies of God to plant missional churches in South Africa. They also work with the Southern Africa School of Theology (SAST) to train pastors & leaders.

Roman & Janice Stefaniw

Roman & Janice have been engaged in Bible translation since 1985, first as translators in Papua New Guinea then as translation consultants and trainers in SE Asia. They currently work with Wycliffe Bible Translators as Translation Consultants in the Asia Pacific. 

Dennis & Vanna Tanner

World Evangelism and Outreach. They are involved in church planting, pastor training and world evangelism efforts.

Bruce & Gail Unterschuetz

Missionaries to Peru.  We’ve supported the Unterschuetz for over 35 years (since 1986).

Dan & Joy West

Missionaries to Portugal. They currently pastor LIFE Church in Lisbon, Portugal, where they are doing street evangelism every Saturday morning.

Global & Discipleship Missionaries

Flynn & Renee Clanton

The Clantons work with Network 211, a world missionary outreach focused on global evangelism and discipleship via the Internet.  Its target audience is the more than 2.2 billon people who use the Internet worldwide.

Steve & Amy Shoop

Steve works as the director of Engage, an organization that allows college students to study abroad while serving in missions.

Global Ministries


Produce Full-Life Study Bibles in many languages to train pastors and lay-leaders.

Convoy of Hope

Convoy of Hope is a faith-based, nonprofit organization with a driving passion to feed the world through children’s feeding initiatives, community outreach, and disaster response.

Global University, ICI

Global University is a fully accredited nonprofit Christian university based out of Springfield, Missouri. As a worldwide distance learning pioneer, the university integrates education and service through a network in 150 countries, including the United States.

Jewish Voice

Jewish Voice exists to transform lives and see all Israel saved through proclaiming the Gospel to the Jew First, growing the Messianic Jewish community, and engaging the Church concerning Israel and the Jewish people.

U.S. Missionaries and Ministries

Spencer & Kathy Jones

Founded People United to Save Urban America (P.U.T.S.U.A), a ministry that trains laborers, plant churches, and conduct outreach crusades throughout America's urban cities.

Norman & Cheryl Knoodle

Work with Church Mobilization, formerly MAPS. They work to help build churches in AZ, NM, and West TX.

Gary & Tammy Webb

Founded OCJ Kids and work as Specialized Chaplains on a mission to change the culture of Foster Care in America.

Aged Ministers Assistance

AMA provides aged Assemblies of God ministers the support to afford daily needs, like food, housing, and medicine.

Chi Alpha Campus Ministries

Chi Alpha U of A

Our desire at Glad Tidings is to see the ministry of Chi Alpha at U of A flourish and reach college students right here in Tucson. 

Oneida & Caleb Christensen

We began supporting the Christensens here at the U of A. They transferred to Chi Alpha ministry at ASU, and we continue to support them in leading Chi Alpha there.

Scott & Crystal Martin

Scott Martin graduated from the University of Arizona here in Tucson. They are currently the Directors for Chi Alpha for the Assemblies of God.


Ryan and Kelly Ribelin

The Ribelins serve as the Directors for Chi Alpha Arizona, as well as Chi Alpha Directors at NAU.

Native American Ministries

American Indian College

A nationally accredited university under SAGU, AIC was established to prepare Native Americans for church ministry.

Dr. John & Doris Knoles

Founded and minister to Native American couples through Native American Marriage Enhancement Ministries.

Randy Wren

Served in the past as missionaries to the Inupiaq Eskimos in Kotzebue, Alaska. He is now working to help build churches within the Native American communities in Arizona and New Mexico.

Arizona Missionaries

Yoyo (Jiovan) Garcia

Yoyo currently serves as the AZ Youth Alive Director. He previously served as the High School Director at 29:11 Church in Mesa, AZ. Christian Chambliss, whom we used to support as the former Director, brought Yoyo on the Youth Alive team as a communicator to the schools, and gave his recommendation for Yoyo to serve as the Youth Alive Director for the state of Arizona.

Zippy & Elizabeth Dirkes

Zippy and Elizabeth lead Bridge the Gap in Phoenix. Bridge the Gap is passionate about reaching the lost, preaching the Gospel to the poor, rescuing women from the life of drugs and prostitution, to plant inner city churches in the most dangerous, darkest, and drug-infested areas of America.

Rick Ryan

Rick serves as a missionary to help plant and establish Intercultural Churches here in Arizona. 

Church on the Street

A Christian church and discipleship program housing the homeless right here in Tucson.


Light For The Lost

Serves to “Empower the Church to provide God’s Word for every person on the planet.” Providing a variety of resources such as audio, visual and printed materials, LFTL has one guiding principle: All Light For The Lost assistance must be to provide resources directly related to evangelism.

Romans 12 Ministries

Their mission is to relate, refresh and restore pastors, ministry leaders and their families during challenging seasons of life through providing support, counseling, and access to a network of resources.

Teen Challenge Arizona

Teen Challenge Endeavors to help people become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well and spiritually alive.

AZMN Widows Fund

Provides assistance for widows of AZMN ministers.